My name is Farhiya Hassan and I’m assistant for Ustadha Kaltun Karani here at Hikma Academy. I have been working with her and wonderful bright teen students for a year. I also have been a student taking classes with the adults. Growing up in America and going to Islamic schools or the weekend schools here I understand how most of our students feel. I’m pretty jealous of how they’re learning the Quran and the Sunnah. Kaltun’s teaching is different than what we are used to. While teaching the Tafseer (translation) of the Quran she combines it with the Seerah (biography) of the Prophet (PBUH). The students are learning to understand their religion better and be proud of it. When the class ends each student is walking out feeling touched and amazed at more than 1 thing that resonated with them. Sunday is the most exciting day of the week because I’m in a room full of potentials and hope. I see our future doctors, lawyers and scholars. I see women that know their religion and can teach it to their families, neighbors, coworkers and colleagues. I see sisterhood, friendships, compassion and love. I see modesty and honor because we see all of this and more in our teacher Kaltun. You can finish school, be a person who loves the Quran and teaches it, be a wife, daughter and a mother and still have time for fun and friends. Our teachers should model for us so we can follow easily and that’s what Hikma Academy offers to be: INSPIRATION while LEARNING.