Our Vision & Mission

We imagine a world where Muslim women have an intimate companionship with the Quran.

We strive towards this by studying the meaning of the Quran in a deep and practical way that is relevant to our daily lives.

This style of study fosters a mindful, intimate and more meaningful connection with Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. 

We emphasize character development to better align ourselves with the personality Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala praises in the Quran.

We are empathetic and accepting of human tendencies. We are also knowledgeable of the science of change and growth so two of our mottos are #thestruggleisreal and #wegotthis

Our Educational Philosophy and Core Values

PLEASANT LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: A peaceful and beautiful environment that promotes a safe -non-judgmental- and pleasant learning experience. We prioritize positive teacher-student relationship. We utilize engaging teaching strategies.  We also believe fun is a necessary ingredient of learning.

SACRED KNOWLEDGE: We prioritize studying the meaning of the Quran and connect it to the Seerah of the Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wassalam as it is the source for all knowledge. We connect it to modern day research and practical sciences to facilitate the process of learning.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE & GROWTH: We relate what we are learning to our personal lives; our own experiences and development as a whole person. We use reflective practice to aid in the personal process of learning.

SISTERHOOD:  When we strive to foster an environment with the above values, a byproduct is sisterhood.  The students build a village where trust, support and socializing are nurtured.